At the beginning of 1980 we helped a friend who was putting gigs on for Melbourn Sports & Social Club, Melbourn, South Cambridgeshire.  Then in 1981 our friend left the area so we were asked to put bands on for Melbourn Sports & Social Club.  When we held these gigs on a Friday night at Melbourn Sports & Social Club we were called Melbourn Rock Club.  If you were one of the many people who came to the old venue of Melbourn Rock Club you would have seen one of these local bands playing.

Colonel Gomez, The Frigidaires, Abraxas, Trux, Night Flight, Dr skull & The Crossbones, The Axe Band, Filthy Rich, Hope & Glory, Strange Brew, Colonel Hathi’s Dawn Patrol, Don’t Call Me Shirley and The Beached Wails.

The following bands also played at the venue during this time.

The Groundhogs, Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts, Engine, Larry Miller Band, Angelwitch,  Mournblade, The Hamsters, Grim Reaper, Tredegar, Desolation Angels, Seducer and Kooga.

These are just some of the bands that played at the old venue and the list is endless.  We apologise to those bands that have not been named but did play at the old venue of Melbourn Rock Club.

We also promoted gigs at The Sea Cadet Hall Cambridge, The Junction Cambridge, The Plinston Hall Letchworth, The St Ivo Centre St Ives, Cambridgeshire and the Corn Exchange Cambridge.

In 2003 we moved to Eternit Sports & Social Club, Meldreth, South Cambridgeshire.  We were called The Rock Club, Meldreth for a while but we have since returned to our original name Melbourn Rock Club.  The following bands are local bands that have played at this venue.

Glam”R”Us, Jack, The Frigidaires, Lipstick Torpedo, The Boogie Men, and Smashed.

You could have also seen these bands.

Four Wheel Drive, Larry Miller, The Treatment, Pig Iron, Bad Touch, Heavens Basement and Black State Highway.

These are just some of the bands that have played at the new venue and this list is also endless.  We apologise to those bands which have played at the new venue of Melbourn Rock Club but not have been named.

We would like to thank everyone that has come supported at our gigs.  Also we would also like to thank everyone who has helped us in putting these gigs on.

This is the story so far and if the Harry inside of you wants to come and a have a good time we look forward to seeing you.

Mo.© 2016